Friday, 8 March 2013

Creative Blog - TV/Cinema

Advertising Agency:  Bond Mix
Media Type: Radio

Client: RyanAir LTD
Completion Date: /03/13
Media Type: Radio

Project Summary:
RyanAir is one of the United Kingdom’s largest low cost airline that specialises in short haul flights. RyanAir has seen in recent years its business rapidly grow. It has capatalised on the economic decline as it offers affordable travel even in the current economic climate. RyanAir is looking to reposition itself within the low cost travel market, from a low cost airline to a low cost high quality brand that is to be recognized as the clear market leader. RyanAir is looking to incorporate a TV/Cinema campaign as part of its overall advertising campaign that will accompany the repositioning of the brand. The Agency must produce at least 2 different story board ideas for the TV/Cinema campaign. The aim of the campaign is to incorporate and inform existing and potentials clientele of the brand reposition.  

Target Audience:

RyanAirs current target market presides within the ABC1 demographic. This demographic has more of a disposable income and can afford to travel short haul. Because RyanAir concentrates most of its business activities within Europe a lot of customers are professionals travelling for the purpose of business. Due to RyanAirs low cost strategy it does appeal to the lower end of the demographic, low income households etc., as well as people traveling on a budget for example back packers. RyanAir mostly appeal to the age Range of 18-44. This is a very broad selection of people which is great in terms of expansion and ability to create the largest Reach. The Customers are very much price orientated. The customers are generally from the ABC1 demographics. The consumers can further be identified through their individual habits from this demographic; 19% business, 41% Leaisure and 38% personal usage.

Single-Minded Message

Low Cost High Quality

This singled minded message it to be used as a continual theme that the adverts portray. Ryan Air is famous for providing cheap flights to hundreds of destinations. As this is a USP of RyanAir we do not want to change this, however when people think 'cheap' they think low quality, the adverts are to reiterate the fact that RyanAir provides low cost flights but at the same if not better quality than that of other airlines. 

Communication Strategy:

The TV/Cinema adverts will be a way for the Brand to communicate its repositioning and shake off the bad stigma attached to providing a low cost service. The Storyboards ideas must portray a story that communicates with the new and existing customers of Ryan Airs intentions to offer low cost travel, the same as before but at a higher quality.

Competitive Positioning:

RyanAir operates in a very tight market, with lots of different competitors offering low cost air travel. Although the market they operate in is very condense they are continuing to expand as a company. Other competitors are offering similar prices but do not target individuals within the market. Other competitors are just focusing on price rather than a pleasant travel experience. RyanAir have come under criticism for their role in cutting costs and need to combat the bad press they receive. All though they should not take away from their low cost strategy they need to focus on advertising their good parts.

Business Travel – Storyboard

A business man, at work on a busy morning is enrolled in a dispute where the client must be met. He needs to reach the client quick and cheap. He uses Ryanair. The story for the storyboard is quick and snappy. It uses moving images with a voice over describing how quick and easy it is to get to a destination quick. You book, check in, fly and meet. 

A business meeting, it’s a warm summers day outside all is peaceful yet inside chaos ensues. Ferociously debating a decision is made that a particular Employee must travel to meet a client (the Camera angle is high over the table concntrating capturing the entire contents of the table, high enough to capture the view out of the window. the meeting room high up in an inner city office block.) He leaves the meeting ( the camera panning round to capture the departure of the employee) (A light sound of a bustling office, gentle talking and rustling in the background) . 

He has to get to his destination quick he goes onto the Ryanair website, chooses his destination and time and leaves the office straight away. He is surprised with the low cost and how easy it was. (The screen is like looking at a computer screen, an inflatted arrow shows his movments on the creen, expressing how easy it is to book a flight) (Still a light bustle of an office in the background).  

In a bustling airport the businessman avoids the ques and reaches the self- service check in desks. yet again surprised how quick and easy it was. (the camera at elbow height, concentrating on the employee picking up his tickets, panning down a line of machines all allowing travellers to do the same.) (A much louder noise engulfes the advert, all the noises expected at an airport)

The businessman within 2 hours of booking his seat on the Ryanair flight he is in the air on his way to the client. (the shot captures the essesne and peace of flying, blue skies, a few clouds, and the ocean below. The airplane the main focus of the shot, showing how peacefully it glides through the air.)

Within 5 hours of booking his seat on the Ryanair flight he is with the client face-to-face. Ryanair will be recognised for creating links between country and business. (The camera angle is low to the ground looking up at the two employees, meeting for the first time. it captures this moment with the office block in the background) (a light traffic noise in the back ground, indicating they are outside the office). 

The final screen image, the Ryanair logo, bright yellow on a blue background emphasising the connection between colours and brand.

Travelling – storyboard

This storyboard concentrates on the story of a young student starting his travelling journey with Ryan Air. It is a step by step account of the students first steps in the once in a life time journey from leaving friends and family, to boarding a Ryanair flight to arriving and creating hundreds of memories that will stay with the student for the rest of his life. 

This is the start of the journey, the student is outside of the airport saying his last good byes to family, friends, partner. The mood is tranquil, with a light noise of bustling fellow travellers entering the airport. (the Camera shot, focusing on the couple saying there romantic goodbyes, in the background indications that they are at an airport)

The student is waiting in the que to check in for his flight with Ryan Air. The Ryanair advertising is clear and predominant. The nervous student is looking at the Ryanair advertising realising his lifelong dream is about to begin with Ryanair. The hustle and bustle of airport life is going on around him but he is transfixed with the prospect of what awaits him after his Ryanair flight. ( The camera shot shows a small que, with Ryan Air a prodominant feature at the top of the screen)

This is it, the student is just foot steps away from his dream. As he approaches the plane the Ryanair logo sparkles in the summer sun. Realising his dream is now a reality the student eagerly walks towards the plane. The plane, his transport to the life only seen in his dreams. The sun beating down the excitement builds. (this shot focuses on the airplane, how big and luxerious it is, the people que patiently to get on the plane. the student nurvous and excited appears at the lower centre of the screen) (The noise of planes accelatrating and braking surround this shot, with a strong breeze, refreshing not cold).

A short view of the plane transporting the student to his dreams. The sun beating down on the aircraft carving through the sky like a knife on butter. (the shot captures the essesne and peace of flying, blue skies, a few clouds, and the ocean below. The airplane the main focus of the shot, showing how peacefully it glides through the air.)

HE’S ARRIVED!!!!!! The plane has arrived at its destination, the student the first to exit the plane. Basking in the summer sun of the luxurious country he has been transported to. The Ryanair plane the epicentre of the young blokes dreams, glistening in picture. (This shot focuses on the airplane, it pulled up and is unloading, the student appears at the door, he walks down the stairs, the camera follows himas he takes his first step to a new life) (the noise is tranquil, peaceful only a hint of planes in the background)

The story has just begun for this student, this image is a collage of all pictures taken during his dream travelling trip. These photos portray his experience in all and every country. (the camera shot shows all different poloroid pictures being thrown into a pile one at a time, showing the young traveller on his trip) (A themed song such as "Lets Party" Rita ora, plays)

The final screen image, the Ryanair logo, bright yellow on a blue background emphasising the connection between colours and brand.

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